Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jackson's First Visit to the ER

Jackson had his first visit to the ER this last week - hopefully his last, but let's face it... he's a BOY!  His finger got smashed in the door at the gym.  I heard a crunch then a loud scream.  Fortunately, the crunch was his fingernail (no broken bones!).  Grandma met me at the Hospital to take Annie-Lynn.  Annie-Lynn was very worried about brother.    
It took two nurses to hold him down to get the shot with the numbing stuff into his finger.  They gave him a dog which he named, "Stitches."  His finger looked great after the doctor did her magic.  The only concern now is how the fingernail will grow back... we shall see!

Jackson and his buddies at home - Daddy Bear, Suki and Stiches (and his lineup of cars of course).  They all are helping in the recovery process!

Snow Days at the Webster House!

Jackson and Annie-Lynn played Candy Land and colored inside for hours. We ventured outside and built a snowman. At first, Jackson was more excited about throwing snowballs at the snowman or kicking him over. Once we started giving the snowman a face Jackson joined in. Annie-Lynn was more into pushing her duckies on the swing.